Fitness Blog
3 ways MovNat can prepare you for your first or next adventure
When you look at the average Westerner the words dangerous, powerful and physically capable don’t spring to mind. Yet that’s our heritage. In this article, I’ll show you three ways MovNat can help you prepare for adventure.
Maximizing Lifespan: The Essential Guide to Exercise for Longevity
1) Sedentary vs. Active Lifestyles 2) Natural Movement for Longevity 3) Strength Training 4) The Critical Role of Cardiovascular Exercise 5) Integrating It All
Becoming a fitness generalist
We are the inheritors of a body custom built for high adventure. We could be deadly fitness generalists with a lean muscular physique. That’s our birthright. That’s our potential. And with some focus, awareness and discipline it can be reclaimed.
Becoming a fit and adventurous family
Read how Victoria and her family became outdoor adventurers with online personal training. She achieved her first pistol squats, all of the Level 1 and Level 2 MovNat manual, and a full marathon through online coaching with Adventure Driven Fitness.
Welcome to my Fitness Blog – your guide to crafting an adventure-ready, beach body.
Here, we explore the art and science of building muscle, training for races, optimizing health, and mastering natural movement. You’ll find tips, strategies and insights, all grounded in the latest scientific research and my own real-life experiences.
I started just like many of you – a regular family man, no athletic background, facing the typical challenges of life. But in my 30s, I transformed: from overweight to lean, fit, and muscular. And the journey didn’t stop there – now in my 40s, I’ve conquered 2 Ironman 140.6s and a Spartan Ultra 50k among other challenges.
Join me on this journey to not just sculpt a beach body, but to forge a physique that's ready for life's greatest adventures. Let’s embark on this transformative path together.